I can't believe that Gavin's surgery was two weeks ago! In some ways, it feels like a lifetime ago, and in others, it feels like yesterday. He has been recovering like a champ, and sometimes I forget that he even had surgery.
Every night during bath time, while washing his hair, I use a cradle cap brush to gently scrub the incision. While combing his hair after bath time on day 7, I noticed that the majority of his stitches were gone! I know that they are dissolving stitches and are supposed to disappear, but it still took me by surprise. His left side stitches were gone first, but the right side wasn't far behind. These photos were taken 1 week after surgery.
We have been working a lot on tummy time and sitting up to try to regain some of the strength that he lost from laying on his back 24/7 while in the hospital and recovering. It's amazing how quickly he has returned to normal! He loves sitting in his Bumbo, especially when I attach the tray and put his toys on it so he can pick them up, throw them on the floor, and then watch me pick them up and put them back on the tray. He still hates tummy time, so I find myself singing silly songs, making faces, getting the dogs to play fetch - anything to keep him distracted. His new favorite is the airplane: I put his tummy on my shins and lay on my back with him up in the air.
He will smile and jabber at me, which I love - I just have to watch out for the giant globs of drool that he drops down onto me!
Before surgery, Gavin was sleeping exceptionally well at night. He would go to bed around 7:00 pm with zero fussing and sleep until 3:00 or 4:00 am (if he got up during the night, which he didn't always), eat, and go back to bed until 7:30 am or so. However, he has always been a terrible napper - 30 or 40 minutes max, and he has to be held, rocked, or walked to sleep. Since he was sleeping so well at night (even putting himself to sleep), I didn't want to mess with his groove until he was a little older. After his surgery, he was back on a newborn schedule. He was only sleeping for 2 hours at a time at night, had to be comforted constantly, and was still not really napping.
Thankfully, my mom and Greg were super helpful so I could sleep, shower occasionally, and do homework. However, my mom had to leave a week after surgery, and Greg had to go back to work. Since Gavin was off of his pain meds on day 10 and had no swelling after 1 week, I decided to give sleep training a go. It has been a rough couple of days to say the least. The first 2 days were the worst, but I think we are through the worst of it. Thankfully we tried to avoid forming any bad habits for him to break, so we are just dealing with him trying to figure out how to put himself to sleep during the day.
It's been 2 weeks today since surgery, and his scar is looking great! I am so blown away by how well he has handled everything. Here's some photos of how well he's healing.
He acts like the surgery never even happened. Lately, he has started to jabber and squeal more frequently (i.e. constantly), but he still won't laugh. He will open his mouth into a big smile and kind of sigh/squeal, but no giggles. I swear I have tried everything! He did, however, finally roll from his back to his tummy for the first time yesterday. I, of course, had stepped out of the room for 5 seconds, and when I came back, he was on his tummy, and he was not happy about it. He's been able to roll from tummy to back for about a month now, but he only does that because he hates being on his tummy, not because he's trying to go anywhere.
Even 2 weeks after Gavin's surgery, I am still getting phone calls, messages, cards, texts, meals, and gifts. It is so overwhelming to know how many people love and care about us all - our blessings are without number.